12 Life as a Comedic Nutritionist and Self-Published Author, with Rachel Favilla

Nutrition Grad Guide Podcast Episode 12 Rachel Favilla.png

Bringing comedy to our industry, Rachel wrote her first book while completing her nutrition degree and is now a self-published author of the hilarious book Periods, Poo and a Glorious You. As a nutritionist, yoga teacher and author, Rachel brings comedy to the industry and makes food, health and movement fun.

In this episode, Rachel shares:

  • How she used food to heal herself of her health diagnosis.

  • Her approach to nutrition and bringing comedy to the industry.

  • The journey to authorship, including all about the process of self publishing and tips to anyone who wants to write a book of their own.

  • Surviving her final year of uni while finalising her book manuscript.

  • What she learnt from her first book that she’s taking on board while currently writing her second.

  • Her experiences with at home consults and a new service she’s offering that involves meal prepping at people’s homes. Including the benefits of having people in their home environment where they’re comfortable and relaxed.

  • Combining yoga teaching and nutrition. 

  • Why you need to do things for your own reasons and because you love them, not just because they’re an upcoming trend.

  • The importance of collaboration and networking.

  • Reasons you need to get your finances sorted and tips of how to do that.

  • How she was inspired by The Barefoot Investor.

  • Finding your unique approach to nutrition.

  • Her advice to people during isolation and making the most of this time.

  • And so much more!

The book Rachel suggested everyone reads is The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape.

Of course you should also grab a copy of her book Periods, Poo and A Glorious You from her website here. Not sold yet? Read plenty of amazing testimonials here.

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You can also find her facebook groups here

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